You can make an appointment with us to have us analyze your case in a meeting. This meeting is more extensive than the customary first meeting. The meeting will take about one and a half hour and is usually attended by two lawyers of our offices and is focused on your case.
Should you be abroad, it is possible to meet virtually via for instance WebEx of Skype.
For the analysis-meeting you should provide us with the most relevant documents in advance. Although we will not study those in detail, skimming through the documents will usually give us a global understanding what you are dealing with. You will be given the opportunity to explain to us the problem you are confronted with. We will ask you what your goal is. Usually we have all sorts of questions to obtain a better understanding of the case. By discussing the matter with you we will make a preliminary analysis and assessment of it; we will share our preliminary conclusions with you.
Costs and obligations
The analysis-meeting costs EUR 200,- (excl. VAT). You will have no further obligations. You are entirely free to retain the services of an attorney from our law firm or of someone at a different law firm. You will understand that we exclude and reject all liability in connection with the analysis-meeting and the conclusions we arrive at in the meeting because of the preliminary nature of the exercise and the limited study of the case undertaken by us.
Being lawyers admitted to the bar (���advocaten���), all information handed to us is privileged: under Dutch law in court we cannot be forced to disclose anything about you or your case. There is however one exception to this rule – follow this link for more information.